Weigh Slip &
Weighmaster Responsibilities

Why use a Weighslip?  

The Southwestern Yacht Club Anglers are interested in your catch!   Being part of a community that appreciates and acknowledges fishing accomplishments adds to the joy of the sport.

If you wish you may email your catch pictures and story to us and we may print them in the The Reel Fun section of the Mooring Line.  The Mooring Line has thrilling stories of catches, camaraderie, and shared experiences on the water.

You must be a member of the Anglers to be considered for an award.

Email: anglers@swycanglers.org


Did you know, we have awards for the same species of fish with different line test?

We have several awards all which are for different species of fish all with different line pound test.

On the main page of the website choose Awards at the top.  You will see the different awards categories that can be competed for.


The Anglers Board holds an awards dinner each year.

At the awards dinner, all the previous years weigh slips are reviewed for awards.  Each Award winner recieves a SWYC Anglers jacket and an additional awards of of the current president’s choosing.

The Weight Slip must be fully filled out and VERY ACCURATELY.   IT must be signed by the angler and a witness.   Often times the difference in a winning award is 1 ounce.  This is an SWYC on-your-honor fact sheet.



We have a full spreadsheet of all weightslips that are recorded.

Your SWYC Anglers keep a running form of all the Anglers and their recorded catches for the year.    Each annual year, the spreadsheet is cleared and new records are recorded.

You can submit your applicaton one of two ways:

1. You can fill out the form and email.  Anglers@swycanglers.org

2. You can Fill out the form digitally below and submit (preferred).

Weigh Slip

"*" indicates required fields

Angler Information

Angler Name*

Boat Information

If this boat is not owned by a SWYC member, pick "Guest Boat". Otherwise pick the type of boat it is.

Catch/Fish Information


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Check All That Apply

Certification & Signature

Clear Signature
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, mov, mp4, heic, heiv, pdf, nef, jpeg, Max. file size: 124 MB.
    Witness of Catch
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Weighmaster Job Description

    1. Collect and enter into weight slip .xls file weekly.  Arrange to have an alternate if out of town.
    2. Submit the weight slip .xls file to front office weekly.
    3. Perform weight checks on the certified scale weekly. (5 lb range and 20 lb range)
    4. Analyze end of year data for all awards categories and submit to new president by January meeting (3rd Wednesday)
    5. Investigate and validate any questionable submissions.


    Weekly weight validation

    1. Two weights of approximately 5 lb and a 20 lb weight will be used to validate the scale weekly.
      1. Weights need not be certified but the same weights will be used consistently.
      2. If the 5 lb range weight weighs 4.93 after certification it should weigh 4.93 all year, same for the approximately 20 lb weight.
    2. If a validation weight is greater than 1% (0.05 lb for the 5 lb and 0.2 for the 20 lb weight) San Diego Scale is to be notified immediately to service.  
    3. All certifications will be logged on a new tab in the weight slip .xls file. Information to include date, person performing the certification and the weight of the 2 reference weights.