The role and responsibilities of the President are many. The primary role is to serve as the Chairman of the Anglers Board. Other roles include but are not limited to ensuring that various sub-committees are properly supported, to ensure that finances are in line, to serve as the face of the Anglers and Anglers Board, and to improve the inner workings of the Anglers Board wherever possible.
Two of the most important roles of the President are to preserve the traditions of the Anglers Club and to listen to the needs, wants, suggestions, criticism and other Angler Club Member inputs and to bring those to the Anglers Board for consideration.
Beyond managing meetings and serving as Chairman, the President is responsible for organizing the General Meeting of the Anglers (February) as well as the Annual Anglers Awards Dinner (March-April). The President is also responsible for writing, having printed and publishing the Anglers Roster (distributed at the Anglers Award Dinner). In the context of the Awards Dinner, the President is responsible for hosting the event, disseminating event correspondence, coordinating with the kitchen/event staff on menu, selecting raffle prizes, rounding up jackets for embroidery, and selecting the different awards.

national recognition
The SWYC Anglers have national recognition. Our Anglers are some of the very best in the nation. Southwestern Yacht Club is known for our many award-winning angling excellence. Our anglers are nationally recognized and fish by strict IGFA rules.
Southwestern Yacht Club is proud of its angling program and recognizes the importance of its anglers and their achievements. SWYC is truly supportive of our Anglers committee, its members, their fisher people, and accomplishments.
The SWYC Anglers are a philanthropic group and our accomplishments in the community are many.
Each president has the ability to run with their board in the direction that they see fit. Being the president of the Anglers can easily include bringing what is important to the position and the board forward to fruition.
The webmaster believes that the president is to look forward and to the future as to where is the group and its members best served. Camaraderie is a core value of the Anglers. Our job is to be a representative of the club and its members. Our membership and its need for unity is important to maintain the club and its vitality. Focus on the camaraderie and bringing people together is what core value of the Anglers charter.