SWYC Tournament Boat of the Year Award Rules

SWYC Tournamnet Boat of the Year Award

The Most Points Earned in 1 year on the Same Boat

The SWYC Tournament Boat of the year is: The boat with the most tournament points.

Tournaments qualifying for Tournament Boat of the Year points include:

  1. SWYC Bottom Fishing Tournament
  2. Won-California Tuna Jackpot
  3. Marlin Club ILTT
  4. Bloody Decks Yellowtail Shootout
  5. SWYC Marlin Tournament
  6. SWYC Tuna Tournament
  7. SWYC Halibut Tournament
  8. San Diego Bay Fishing Tournament
  9. Marlin Club Rock Cod Roundup  

Points System Per Tournament:

1st Place                               6 points

2nd Place                             5 points

3rd Place                              4 points

4th Place                              3 points

5th  Place                              2 Points

6th  Place                              1 Point