SWYC Anglers Seafood & Cocktail Recipe Book

SWYC Anglers Refreshed Seafood & Cocktail Recipe Book.

In 1975, Southwestern Yacht Club published a small cookbook for its members consisting of favorite dishes suitable for preparation aboard a small boat. Long forgotten about until the Angler’s Board was looking for a project benefitting the club. In 1990, board member Bob Bossler suggested we update the cookbook that many of us had long forgotten about or did not know about. 

The Anglers Board solicited members to submit recipes that could easily be prepared aboard any type of boat. Please note that the recipes with an asterisk (*) are from the original 1975 and 1990 cookbooks. The idea for this new recipe collection is dedicated to being a fun and informal collection of seafood and cocktail recipes. After all, we are anglers! We hope you enjoy this small collection of seafood recipes.

On Sale Today:

You can Buy at Front Desk for $29.00.


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Books are available at SWYC Front Office.
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Cost is $29.00 per Cookbook
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