Documented Marlin release Form

SWYC Anglers Support Conservation

Your SWYC Anglers Board supports and awards conservation of marine life.   We strive to make rules fair to encourage anglers to relase fish back into the wild.   Below is our form to record a released marlin.

The Document Marlin Relase Form

This form shall be accomplished by completing all the below following and shall be considered to be the equivalent of a 150 lb. fish landed and weighed


You Can Submit the form in 2 Ways:

1. Online Form Below-Most Easy!

2. Download and submit form via email to:

Documented Release Form For Marlin

"*" indicates required fields

Angler Information

Angler Name*

Boat Information

Marlin Catch Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Certification & Signature

Clear Signature
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, mov, mp4, heic, heiv, pdf, nef, jpeg, Max. file size: 124 MB.
    Witness of Catch
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.